Stop Chasing for New customers if you’re Neglecting the Old!
Quick think about this…Can you recall the businesses that have serviced your home in the past year? What was the name of the repair service that fixed your dishwasher? Or the name of the company that cleaned the rug in the front entrance of your home? Taking the time to stay in contact with your customers keeps your name vivid in their minds.
Statistically your customers or clients lose 10% of their memory of ever doing business with you every month. In less then a year they might completely forget you. A monthly newsletter is a powerful employee that puts the name of your business inside of the homes of your customers, and reminds them that your business is concerned for their needs. It will also create a lasting bond of loyalty and friendship with your customers.
Your Instant Newsletter
My newsletter “Random Thoughts,” is fun, informative, and something your clients will look forward to each and every month. It is designed to entertain the client, and also to inform the client of promotions, products, services and information you would like them to be aware of. It’s not stuffy or boring, but creative and stimulating, with useful information that can be remembered and shared with friends, neighbors, co-workers etc. As well as a spattering of information about you, your business and what you have to offer.
Items Contained in my Newsletters
What items that you will find in my newsletter each month
- How-to articles. For example, do-it-yourself projects
- Informational articles. Articles that will be informational and will offer insights to hot topics.
- Recipe articles. New recipes and food ideas for the different holiday seasons of the year.
- Resource articles. Articles that spotlights resources that are of interest to the public.
- News articles. News that might be interesting.
- Entertaining and inspiring articles. Mostly you’ll find entertainment and educational articles including anecdotes, jokes, humorous stories, and inspirational quotes. Information that is interesting and that your clients will want to spend time reading.
- Contesting. You have the chance to put a little contest in your newsletter and give away a little prize. We offer vacation get-away’s that you can use as a contest. Click here to find out more about our trip offers.
Your contribution
You’ll be able to contribute to the newsletter. In each addition you will have ten spots to fill in including:
- Your Business Name. You can add your name, address, phone number, e-mail address.
- Client of the month. Run a client of the month each month and let one of your clients read about why they are so special to you.
- Special Offers. Put your special offers in the newsletter, use these sections to promote seasonal items, special offers you have going, or for a chance to remind your clients about a service you have that you know they will need.
- Ask for Referrals. Use a small section to ask for referrals from your clients friends. Offer a small incentive if you desire.
- Any useful information. Any information you think your customers need to know.
From a subscription to “Random Thoughts” to printing, labeling, stamping and mailing, we can do nearly everything. All you need to do is “fill in the blanks” once a month (approximately 10 blanks) (from one word to a paragraph or two) This takes approximately 30 minutes of your time.
You can subscribe to our newsletter for only $117.00 per month, and you can cancel at any time. Printing and postage is an additional cost. Most of my clients spend less than .50 cents per customer.
How much is Client Loyalty Worth to You?
A free newsletter that’s focused on helping your customers on a regular basis (monthly) can:
- add credibility and encourage clients to view you as a source for expert information.
- give new visitors confidence to get involved with your business because it offers an immediate benefit to them.
- give you a reason to contact previous customers. More importantly, it will provide a reason for your clients to listen to what you have to say.
- provide additional opportunities for exposure. When you circulate newsletters, you increase your chances of being seen by new clients.
The Success of my Newsletter
What Customers From All Over The Country Are Saying About This Unique Newsletter:
... “I Just wanted to thank you for the newsletter. Doing nothing differently other than sending this newsletter to my clients and prospects I experienced a $200,000.00 increase in sales. In my business, that’s a HUGE success.”
... "I used to write a monthly newsletter 3 of 4 times a year until I found your instant newsletter. Now I can produce a fun and informative newsletter that looks like I spent hours writing in a matter of minutes. This has been the best thing for my business." - Kip Jones
..."my business is located in a remote location. I don't get any drive-by traffic. But because of your instant newsletter, my business is booming. It’s simple and it works. It’s “hands down” the most terrific form of advertising I have ever done! Thank you so much." -Richard in West Bountiful, Utah
100% Risk-Free Guarantee:
Your success in using my newsletter is completely guaranteed. In fact, here's my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
I personally guarantee that if you use my newsletter every month for one year you will see your business grow!
If after a full 12 months, you honestly believe I haven't delivered on this promise then let me know and I'll issue you a prompt and courteous refund.
Again, your customers are worth investing in. Build a relationship of friendship and trust. Keep your name vividly in the minds of your clients. Get ready to watch your business grow leaps and bound from where it is now. Let us my team the work, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Best of Luck,
Brent Rowe